Page 4 - Senior Scene Queensland 2020
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PAGE 4                                                                                                                  
       Message from the Premier

                                            I                                      It is important to  note that you  COVID-19 including limiting the
                                              know how worried many of you
                                              are about the situation with the  are extremely unlikely to contract  number of visitors in facilities like
                                              Novel Coronavirus known as  COVID-19 if you haven’t been  aged care homes where at risk
                                            COVID-19.                             overseas or been in close contact  people live in groups.
                                              As you will have heard, this virus  with a confirmed case.                 I, like a lot of other people have
                                            poses particular risks to older        There is also a lot we can do to  a grandmother in an aged-care
                                            Queenslanders but I want you  protect ourselves and each other.             facility and we need to do whatever
                                            to know that Queensland is well        Please     wash     your     hands we  can to  protect our most
                                            prepared, and we are working hard     thoroughly, try and avoid touching  vulnerable.
                                            every single day to reduce the risk to  your face, nose and mouth and        If you’re worried you might have
                                            you and every other Queenslander. avoid shaking hands, hugging  Coronavirus, please call your GP or
                                              It will take some time, but we  and kissing. If you can, keep your  13HEALTH (13 43 25 84).
                                            will get through this by working  distance from anyone who is                You can also get up-to-date
         Annastacia Palaszczuk              together, by supporting each other,  unwell.                                advice at
                                                                                   We are doing everything in our  coronavirus.
          Premier, Queensland               by  keeping  calm heads and  by       power to reduce the spread of          Older Queenslanders have been
                                            listening to accurate advice.
         LET THE ROSICRUCIANS HELP                                                 ESCAPE THE CITY                      through  tough  times  before  and
                                                                                                                        you know that no difficult situation
                                                                                                                        is helped by panic - that’s why we’re
           YOU FIND YOUR DEEP SELF                                                   AND BREATH IN                      asking people to buy only sensible
                                                                                                                        amounts of food and household
                                            are of attaining the goals you have set for yourself, and whether   FRESH PURE AIR  goods, be kind to each other and
                                            they are beyond your reach or fully attainable. And it assists              check in with friends or family who
                                            you to reach the attainable goals with care and attention to the
                                            minutest details.                                                           might need extra support.
                                             This deeper Self is called by Rosicrucians, the ‘Inner Master’,             This is a time in our lives that I
                                            for it has in abundance, qualities of refinement, high purpose
                                            and  spiritual  maturity  we would expect  only  of  the  most              hope  we  never  see  again  but  we
                                            accomplished of humans.                                                     need to be prepared that this virus
                                             the Rosicrucian home based studies train you how to access
                                            this high level of achievement and embark upon the definitive,   SENIOR SPECIAL   could well be our toughest test.
                                                                        Kirstenprint.indd   2
                                                                                                                             23/6/19   1:36 pm
                                            true direction of your life simply by learning how to contact and            If we can do everything in our
                                            regularly commune with your deeper Self.  4 NIGHTS MIDWEEK (SUN-THURS)      power now to focus on protecting
                                             To find out more about the Rosicrucian   Studios - $219 p/p twin share or Spa Suites -
                                            Order and how it can help you to          $259 p/p twin share. Bacon & Eggs incl.  our elderly, we will go a long way
                                            achieve  your  most  treasured  goals,                                      to mitigate the spread of this virus.
                                            visit or ask for a   13 Munro Court,
                                            free copy of  The Mastery of Life, by                                        Your generation built this State
        In the depths of your being resides your deeper self, an   phoning  1300 88 11 35 or email     Tamborine        and if you need help, we will be
        aspect of your being which breathes in calm reflection the  Mountain,
        very rhythm of the universe. It is in touch with all things and                                                 there for you.
        communicates with all that matters for life on Earth. It seeks to             Qld 4272
        instruct and guide its human ward how to live a good life, and                 Phone:                            I know we will come together and
        does so with care for its wellbeing, and above all, with love                                                   emerge better and stronger than
        and compassion for all expressions of life.                                 (07) 5545 3121                      ever.
         Your Self knows why you are here and what you are meant                am5019
        to accommplish in this incarnation. It knows what your chances   THE ROSICRUCIAN ORDER IS NON-PROFIT, NON-RELIGIOUS, NON-POLITICAL  am5021  Because we always do.

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