Page 10 - NC Senior Scene - 2022
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Early detection at Tweed Skin
Cancer Clinic may save your life
he Tweed Skin Cancer Clinic way you can reduce the number on top of your skin cancers, and few visits and treatment they do.
is the longest standing Clinic of sun spots, and your skin qual- have better skin. We don’t have Their skin feels better, calmer, less
Ton the Coast and has been ity can improve. Combined with the sit and wait approach, or tackle dry and tight, they are without the
treating patients for over 25 years. daily use of sun screen to assist one or two and leave the rest. It is ongoing pains that can occur with
We service the Tweed Shire area with repairing your sun damaged possible to return your skin to pre some skin cancers, and they are
and wider. We also see patients happier. That is always our goal.
from as far north as Bundaberg, Of course leaving skin cancer for
west to Armidale, and south to too long can mean the difference
Coffs Harbour and Sydney and between a simple curative treat-
even from overseas. ment, and long drawn out multi
We perform thorough skin checks, level treatments because they
and offer a comprehensive plan to have spread into the lymph nodes
treat your skin cancers and melano- and blood stream. Often the fear
mas. Our Doctors have done post of not knowing and putting it off, if
graduate studies in skin cancer left too long you may end up going
medicine, and bring over 25 years
of experience. In particular they through the worst. This is not nec-
have had in house advanced sur- essary, and in well trained and
gical training by a qualified Plastic experienced hands we can guide
and Reconstructive Surgeon for you clearly and carefully through
over ten years. To ensure quality your treatment, and make it a pos-
control they also undertake regu- itive experience.
lar Pathology audits which consis- You can easily spot changes
tently show very high pick up rates that should lead you to getting a
for skin cancer and melanoma. skin check. These include changes
A common theme we see in our in colour, growth of a mole, or a
patients is that most skin can- sore or bleeding lump, an enlarg-
cers and melanomas we find, skin. It has long been known that skin cancer days. Bad sun dam- ing pink patch, a spot feels raw or
they were simply unaware of. the best treatment for anti ageing, aged skin does not have to stay stings. Our Clinic is open 6 days
This highlights the importance wrinkles, and sun damage is daily with you forever. Patients often including Saturday, and all of our
of having your skin checked reg- sunscreen use. We see the results say to us that they never thought services are bulk billed. Please
ularly, and stay on top of it, not every day. that they would ever get on top call 07 5536 4961 to make an
just when it gets out of hand. That Our policy has always been to get of their skin cancers, but within a appointment.
Excellence in Skin Cancer and
Melanoma Diagnosis and Treatment
ALL SERVICES bulk billed
Experience Open Saturdays
counts No referral necessary
Tweed Day Surgery and Specialist Centre
Suite 6, 38-44 Boyd St Tweed Heads 07 5536 4961 ssmsyd18043