Page 6 - NC Senior Scene - 2022
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Budget delivers relief but not reform
ational Seniors Chief Middle Income Tax Offset (LMITO) when they lose 50 cents in the dol- to help meet these urgent frontline
Advocate, Ian Henschke, to boost income for the 2021–22 lar plus tax if they do more than workforce needs, and a Downsizing
Ntalks through the ins and tax year, although this is not one day’s work. Incentive to help people stay safe
outs of the Budget and what it ongoing. If Australia had the same partici- in their own home and out of resi-
means for you on the eve of the Older Australians will undoubt- pation rate as New Zealand, there’d dential aged care, but neither were
federal election. edly welcome the Federal be as many as 400,000 additional adopted.
In a Budget that has widely been Government’s six-month halv- pensioners in the workforce. It’s We also hoped for more afford-
classed as a re-election pitch to ing of the fuel excise, which will a missed opportunity to solve able supported social housing for
voters, the Treasurer has offered hopefully blunt skyrocketing fuel workforce shortages, and boost the growing number of impover-
temporary payments and tax prices. We also think the Federal incomes and Australia’s GDP at a ished pensioners as an alternative
relief to meet rising cost of living Government could have looked crucial time. to residential aged care.
pressures. at working with state and terri- Health and aged care With COVID-19 still a life and death
National Seniors Australia has tory governments to deliver free There has been some extra money issue, especially in aged care, it is
welcomed this relief but is dis- public transport for seniors. This provided to improve residen- positive the government has pro-
appointed with the lack of lon- is an initiative that both the South tial aged care. However, it is dis- vided additional funds to manage
ger-term structural reform to make Australian and the Tasmanian heartening there has been limited the pandemic. This includes fund-
the pension system simpler and Governments are undertaking. investment in home care and in ing for pathology testing, respi-
fairer, and with the lack of addi- Older seniors, especially those the aged care workforce more ratory clinics, free Rapid Antigen
tional funds to further address the with limited super, will welcome generally. Tests (RAT), personal protective
crisis in aged care. the 12-month extension of the 50% The single largest additional out- equipment (PPE), mRNA vaccine
Cost of living reduction in the minimum draw- lay in the budget is for medica- manufacturing, and for the admin-
Older Australians (includ- down to help ease worry in these tion management. With the Royal istration of vaccinations in primary
ing pensioners, carers, and uncertain times, when they face Commission exposing some care settings, such as aged care.
Commonwealth Seniors Health unknown medical and aged care shocking details about the misuse New funding has also been pro-
Card holders) will benefit from a costs. of medication in residential care vided to lower the Safety Net
one-off payment of $250. Yet, if a Many older Australians tell us settings, the $345.7 million invest- threshold for the Pharmaceutical
landlord increases rent by as little they don’t understand why they’re ment in community pharmacy to Benefits Scheme, and for sub-
as $5 a week, this money is gone forced to withdraw excess savings address this problem is welcomed. sidised treatments and mental
– and rent is only one example of from superannuation and worry The critical problem facing gov- health, which older Australians
the cost pressures facing many this will erode their income later ernment is that while it has signifi- will welcome.
older Australians. in life. cantly cut the home care waitlist, While some additional funding
National Seniors Australia has National Seniors Australia is it’s in danger of going backwards for hospitals has been provided,
long called for an Independent especially disappointed that sen- if there are not enough workers to related specifically to COVID-19,
Pension Tribunal and a rise to sible reforms, like our policy to meet demand. the medical community has been
Commonwealth Rent Assistance Let Pensioners Work, haven’t been The additional $48.5 million for critical that more funds were not
to ensure the pension rate is ade- adopted. 15,000 low fee and free training forthcoming to ease pressure on
quate for all, as part of our Fix This policy is strongly backed by places will not be effective unless the overburdened hospital system.
Pension Poverty campaign. We are the business community who are it is targeted at the right people National Seniors Australia is also
disappointed this opportunity for crying out for workers. It would and is accompanied with a wage disappointed that the issue of oral
pension reform was not taken. have been a game changer for increase. health and funding for a Seniors
Older workers will benefit from pensioners with limited savings National Seniors recommended Dental Scheme hasn’t been a fea-
the $420 increase to the Low and who don’t see the point in working a Mature Age Traineeship Program ture of the Budget this year.
All-In-One A one-off payment to
Service For Seniors help with living costs
has been announced
There are companies that promise peace of mind with a team guiding you through
the downsizing of your home and getting you on your retirement living path.
Having assistance with the process is definitely a worthwhile service, but what Source:
is actually involved? We spoke to Inspired Outcomes who provide a Seniors here’s a $250 one-off pay- • Disability Support Pension
Advocacy Service, to explain the process. ment for eligible customers • Double Orphan Pension
The Objective Downsizing and Legalities and Tto help with the cost of living. • Farm Household Allowance
According to Inspired Preparing for Your Paperwork The Cost of Living Payment is a • JobSeeker Payment
Outcomes, when it comes New Home one-off payment. It’s not taxable • Parenting Payment
to entering your retirement As with any new purchase
years, you are sure to have a The consultant will also help in or contract, there is plenty of and you don’t need to report it • Special Benefit
lot of questions. While an array the listing and selling of your paperwork to be completed. as income for income support • Youth Allowance for students
of businesses can help you, home. This includes getting The consultant will arrange
an all-in-one service should it market ready, arranging contents insurance for the purposes. and Australian Apprentices
take it one step further, and valuations, and organising new home, accompany you to To get it, you must be a Centrelink • Youth Allowance for job seekers
guide you through the entire a tradesperson if work is Centrelink if you are eligible
process. required. for rental assistance, get your or Department of Veterans’ Affairs • eligible Veterans’ Affairs
electricity, gas, phone etc.,
Moving furniture and relocated, and mail redirected. (DVA) customer. You must be liv- payments.
Consultation decorating can be a lot of The basic objective of an all- ing in Australia on 29 March 2022 The eligible concession cards are
work. Consultants carry the or temporarily overseas for an all of these:
As each is very personal load for you, even going so in-one service, according to
to your lifestyle and far as to take photos of your Inspired Outcomes is to give approved reason and either: • Commonwealth Seniors Health
requirements, a home so they can arrange seniors and their family peace
comprehensive service begins it in your new place just the of mind and a hassle-free • getting an eligible payment Card
with a consultation to ascertain way you like it. If a new-look is downsizing experience. • have an eligible concession card. • Pension Concession Card if
the type of home desired, a what you are after, consultants
visit to a number of resorts will also take you shopping! You only get one payment even if you’re not getting an income
and villages, and submission you have both an eligible payment support payment
of expression of interest. and concession card. • DVA Gold Cards.
DOWNSIZING these: ing support for veterans and fami-
The eligible payments are all of
Read more about the cost of liv-
or Retirement Living • ABSTUDY Living Allowance lies on the DVA website.
You don’t need to apply. The Cost
• Age Pension
• Austudy of Living Payment is paid automat-
Call Margaret for a no obligation consultation • Carer Payment ically. Payments will start from 28
✆ 0448 201 884 • Carer Allowance, but only if April 2022.
You will be sent a letter confirm-
Available in Sydney, Canberra & all of Queensland ssmsyd18038 you’re not getting another ing your payment has been made.
income support payment