Page 7 - Senior Scene Queensland 2020
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       Your legacy can change the future

             lmost     one     in    three   lasting change. Change that will see  lung cancer. I’m fortunate that a lot
             Australians will be impacted  all  Australians impacted by lung  of research has been done on the
       Aby a lung disease, be it  disease and lung cancer receive  lung cancer mutation I have and
       lung cancer, Chronic Obstructive  the care, support and access to  there are medications available.
       Pulmonary Disease (COPD), or  treatment they deserve, lower the             “I’m hopeful that I will continue
       Idiopathic   Pulmonary     Fibrosis   number of people affected and  to respond to the treatment that
       (IPF).  Despite    this   alarming    increase survival rates. Change  I’m on, and that somewhere in the
       statistic, there is little investment  that will give hope for a cure.  This  world, someone is coming up with
       in research to improve treatment,  change starts with research.”           these amazing results and there is
       care and support.                      For 45-year-old Michel Itel research  hope again for the next journey for
        Giving a gift to Lung Foundation  means hope for more time with his  us. We need to find a way to really
       Australia in your Will is a wonderful  wife and two young daughters.       fight this.”
       act of kindness and commitment         “I was diagnosed with lung cancer    In recent years advancements in
       to create hope for  Australians  by chance in May 2017. Telling my  treatments have seen an increase
       with lung disease and lung cancer  family was tough. I didn’t know  in survival rates and quality of life
       by investing in ground-breaking  what the journey would be or how  across a number of lung diseases
       research via our Hope Research  long I had. My daughters lost their  and lung cancer – providing hope
       Fund.                                 Mum at a young age and I had to  that has never existed before.
        Through  these  gifts  we  will  tell them that their dad also had a       Thanks      to    our    incredible
       continue to support the best  terminal illness,” Michel said.              community,        we’re      seeing
       and   brightest    researchers   in    “My experience over the last three   advancements every single day
       discoveries towards the prevention,  years means I have an intimate  in research, but there  is a  long
       management and cure of lung  understanding about inequality  road ahead of us.  Scientific  lung disease and lung cancer by
       disease and lung cancer.              of investment into research and  breakthroughs can take years to  leaving a bequest or gift as part of
        “Our mission is to ensure lung  access to treatment and support for  accomplish, but there is hope. You  your Will.
       health is a priority for all and over  people living with lung disease and  can invest in a future free from      The Lung Foundation  Australia
       the last 30 years we have raised                                                                                 team are happy to meet with you
       and invested over $40 million                                                                                    and discuss how to tailor a gift
       in research. Research is offering                                                                                for maximum benefit, giving you
       hope for the 7 million Australians                                                                               and your loved ones the comfort
       impacted, but more funds are                                                                                     of  knowing  what  your  legacy  will
       urgently needed,” Lung Foundation                                                                                achieve.  To find out more or to
       Australia CEO Mark Brooke said.                                                                                  order your Legacy Booklet, please
        “Now more than ever,  we need                                                                                   contact Lung Foundation Australia
       to work together and build on                                                                                    via
       the momentum to drive real and                                                                                   au or call 1800 654 301.

                                                                                                         Lung disease

                                                                                                  affects almost

                                                                                         1 in 3 Australians,

                                                                                       and now COVID-19 is

                                                                                           impacting all of us.

                                                                                                              You can change

                                                                                              lives through research,

                                                                                              now and in the future.

                                                                                     Call us on 1800 654 301.


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